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Solving Complex Problems that can only be Solved Collectively

The Wye Catchment Partnership formed in 2014 to bring together organisations, initiatives and individuals who have a shared interest in the catchment. It facilitates collaborative working to deliver improvements across several key themes.

Imagine a drop of rain falling in the Cambrian mountains starting a journey 135 miles long to the sea; it will babble past ancient woodland, descend over dams and watermill weirs, meander through water meadows past traditional orchards, draining fertile fields rearing stock and growing crops, gliding through riverside towns and villages, before reaching the mud flats of the Severn Estuary.

This is the journey of the River Wye. Entwined in the English and Welsh border it is home to many rare and precious flora and fauna, provides drinking water, and enables food production as well as supporting diverse tourism and recreation.

Our Priorities

Who’s Involved?

The partnership has a diverse membership with representatives from rivers trusts, wildlife trusts, governmental organisations, private forestry, farming unions, water companies, conservation trusts and local companies as well as interested individuals.

The membership is open to all. If you have an interest in the Wye please do get involved!